The ABCs of Ai: Breaking Down the Jargon

by | Ai Basics

The ABCs of Ai: Breaking Down the Jargon

Getting into the world of Ai can sometimes feel like learning a new language. To help you understand some of the common terms, we’ve put together a simple glossary. Think of it as learning the ABCs, but for Ai!

Neural Network

Imagine your brain as a busy network of roads, with thoughts traveling along them like cars. A neural network in Ai is similar. It’s a series of algorithms modeled after the human brain, designed to recognize patterns. They help Ai to make decisions and learn from experiences.


An algorithm is like a recipe. Just as a recipe gives you step-by-step instructions to make a dish, an algorithm gives a computer a series of instructions to solve a problem or perform a task.

Data Mining

Think of data mining like treasure hunting. In a vast ocean of data, data mining is the process of finding valuable information. It’s a way for computers to discover patterns and insights in large datasets, which can be used to make decisions or predictions.

Now that you know these basic Ai terms, you’re on your way to becoming an Ai whiz! Remember, every expert was once a beginner, and understanding the jargon is your first step into the exciting world of Ai.



